A heritage we can take pride in
Our work is enriched not only by the moments of joy we create with our beers, but also by the partnerships we create as we work alongside farmers, clients, and communities. Only by actively working together can we create a better future.
Carbon Neutrality
in our Facilities
We are working to achieve Carbon Neutrality in our breweries by 2030, engaging suppliers and partners to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% along the value chain within the same timeframe.

2.75 liters of water
per 1 liter of beer
by 2030
Our goal is to ensure an abundant supply of good quality water both in our facilities and for the communities in which we operate. We will continue to be more efficient in water consumption and engaged in initiatives to safeguard water resources.
Reduce landfill
waste to zero
by 2030
We are committed to reducing waste production and increasing the percentage of waste sent for recovery. We work with our suppliers and partners to reduce waste along the production process.

100% sustainably
sourced raw
To produce our beers, we use only high-quality ingredients. To ensure a long-term supply of high-quality ingredients, we work closely with farmers and all interested partners to encourage the development and implementation of sustainable farming practices.
100% reusable
or fully recyclable
Packaging is essential to ensure the highest quality of beer for consumers. We want to create a future where we sell our products in completely recyclable packaging. By 2030, we will do this using only reusable or fully recyclable packaging made primarily from recycled materials.

Gender Equality in
the Leadership Team
We promote an inclusive and diverse culture. We believe that different point of views and experiences accelerate innovation. By 2030, we aim equality of women and men leadership teams in leadership teams and an excellent work environment in terms of safety.
20% Share of
Non-Alcoholic Products
We want to encourage our consumers to drink better, not more. To support this vision, we aim to innovate and increase the share of non-alcoholic products in our portfolio, offering consumers a wider choice that fits different consumption patterns.

100% of our labels and brand communications contain messages about responsible alcohol consumption, because our priority is to provide consumers with all the information they need to make informed choices.